This page is still under construction. When it is complete, you will be able to submit Classified Ads and Press Releases by just filling in a form. In the meantime, submit your ads and press releases to or mail hardcopy materials to:
Tidewater Network Services
P.O. Box 1152
Gloucester Point, VA 23062
We need the following information:
Name of your business or organization (if applicable)
Your name
Your email address, if any
Daytime and evening telephone numbers
FAX number, if any
Billing address
Desired starting and ending dates
For classified ads, a category (Help Wanted, Services Offered, For Sale, Lost & Found, etc.)
The text of your ad or press release
Hardcopy artwork can be mailed; contact us about submitting digital artwork.
Please consult our online information regarding rates and terms of service before submitting materials.